Dakota Pheasant Acres Heading
     19005 379th Avenue, Hitchcock SD 57348
     (605) 596-4249    kohnenr@venturecomm.net
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spacer"I had the opportunity to spend a few days in South Dakota pheasant hunting. I had hunted through out the mid-west for pheasants and quail but had never been to South Dakota.
spacerAs a life long sportsman I have to say Kohnen's Pheasant Acres provided one of the best experiences of my hunting career."
( Brent Manning, Somonauk, Illinois )

Photos from 2024 hunts at
Kohnen's Dakota Pheasant Acres

Hunting Lodge

Bob, our son Robby and Grandson Martin

spacer"After arrival Bob Kohnen and the entire Kohnen family made us feel at home. Every meal was wonderful, all home cooking and more than enough to fill my 6'4" 250 lb frame.
spacerThe accommodations were tremendous, clean, convenient and very comfortable. As an aside their sporting clays range was close enough to walk to from your bedroom door. It was great for honing your smoke-pole skills.
spacerThe hunting was something everyone who has ever shouldered a shotgun should experience. I have never seen the number of birds I experienced at Kohnen's. The hunts were done in an ethical and safe manner, it simply is an upland hunter's dream.
spacerI hope to return someday soon taking family and friends. I highly recommend Kohnen's as one of the best experiences in our great outdoors!!"
Brent Manning
Somonauk, Illinois

(click to begin video)


Clay Target Shooting

Sporting Clay Range

Clay Target Shooting Clay Target Shooting

SD Pheasant Hunting

spacer"Being in the outdoor media business I have been able to hunt and fish all over the world, from hunting elk in Colorado to fishing for bonefish in Belize.

spacerI have been to Kohnen’s five times and will go there until my legs are gone or I am dead.

spacerRaised in Illinois in the 1960's I have seen what real pheasant hunting is all about. But after a steady decline in pheasant populations in Illinois I almost gave up the sport. Until I went to Kohnen’s I had no idea that there was a place like this. I have never in my life seen wild birds like they have there.

spacerThe folks that run this piece of hunting paradise are wonderful. Experience great home-cooked meals, beautiful lodging and excellent hunting. I have hunted pheasants in many places, but none hold a candle to Bob Kohnen’s Pheasant Acres. See TV shows ASO has produced at Kohnen’s on our website."

ASO Magazine-TV-Web
Owner, Harry Canterbury

Everybody has a good time!

Everyone has a good Time!!

Excellent Hunting Today!

spacerI have been pheasant hunting in South Dakota with the Kohnen’s since 1993 and all I can say is "I am addicted to consistent quality habitat, more pheasants than you can ever imagine, home cooked meals and quality accommodations."
spacerOver the years I have hunted throughout the entire spectrum of the 11 week pheasant season and I can say with sincerity that the best kept secret is "the later in the season the better."
spacerAs the neighbors harvest their crops most of the birds move to the Kohnen farms to take advantage of the outstanding cover and abundant food plots. The late season weather varies from year to year but when you see hundreds and hundreds of birds in EVERY location you hunt you don’t have time to get cold as you are shooting and shooting and shooting.
Rick Schaeffer's Dog spacerMy wife and I returned to Kohnen’s Dakota Pheasant Acres on New Years Eve for my second hunt of the season to hunt the last four days of the season with our Springer Spaniel "Dutchess". We had our limit all four days in just a few hours; the roosters were very, very abundant and we saw a lot of hens which means many more roosters.

spacerYou can call me at 303-766-2628 if you would like any additional information on this 5 star lodge and excellent pheasant hunting in South Dakota.

Rick Schaeffer
Aurora, CO

For more information or to reserve your hunting vacation, contact:

Bob or Pam Kohnen
19005 379th Avenue
Hitchcock, SD 57348
(605) 596-4249

Kohnen's Dakota Pheasant Acres, LLC

Bob and Pam Kohnen
19005 379th Avenue    Hitchcock SD 57348
(605) 596-4249     kohnenr@venturecomm.net